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Dermal Filler

Dermal filler Program presented By Swedisch Board in collaboration with Hawler Medical University .
The course include :
I. Introduction to Dermal Fillers
A. Definition and Purpose
B. Types of Dermal Fillers
C. Indications and Contraindications

II. Understanding Facial Anatomy
A. Layers of the Skin
B. Facial Structures and Aging Process
C. Injection Techniques

III. Pre-Workshop Preparations
A. Patient Assessment and Consultation
B. Informed Consent and Documentation
C. Setting Up the Treatment Area

IV. Hands-On Training Session
A. Introduction to Injection Techniques
B. Injection Sites and Landmarks
C. Practical Demonstration by Instructor
D. Participant Practice Sessions

V. Complications and Management
A. Recognizing Adverse Reactions
B. Emergency Protocols
C. Post-Procedure Care and Follow-Up

VI. Conclusion and Certificate Distribution
A. Recap Highlights
B. Certificate Presentation to Participants
C. Closing Remarks and Next Steps
You can register via the following link:

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